


In many areas during winter, the mercury drops to below freezing and the chill in the air becomes unbearable. Winter in India ranges from the pleasantly cold to the very extremes, and both you and your pets need just as much care when the temperature drops! If you thought that furry coat was enough to keep them warm, you’d join many pet parents who make the same mistake. But you need to make sure that your beloved companion is as healthy and comfortable as can be, so they can enjoy the best of the cold seasons with you!

Keep your pets indoors

 The best prescription for winter is to keep your dog or cat inside with you. Pets are sensitive to severe cold. So, don’t leave pets outdoors when the temperature drops. If you don’t already, walk them during the late morning or early afternoon, when it’s warmer outside. Not only will it be more comfortable, walking or playing in the sun also gives them their much-needed dose of Vitamin D.


Warm clothing

 These days we can find sweaters and jackets for animals in pet supply shops. Pick up the right size for your pet and keep them warm when you take them for a walk.

Fur is a natural warmer

 Dogs and cats are blessed with thick fur that keeps them warm naturally. Hence, avoid shaving off their coat during winter. Also, don’t take your dog for a walk immediately after giving him a bath. Let his coat dry completely before taking him outdoors.

Cozy bedding

 Don’t let your cat or dog sleep on the floor during winter. Beds and mattresses for pets come in various shapes and sizes. Get one and see how your pet loves snuggling up on it. Also, place the bedding in a warm spot preferably where they sleeps every day so that the area doesn’t feel unfamiliar. While we all know how much our pets love claiming every spot in the entire house as their own, we should still make sure they have a space of their own that is adequately warm and cozy. That ends up becoming their safe space, with their familiar warm blankets and toys.

Keep heaters out of reach

Ensure that you keep them away from room heaters, lamps or any other heating source. Pets that get too close to such radiators may get a burn. Any kind of heaters or fireplaces in the house, make sure they are pet-proofed, and your pets don’t accidentally hurt themselves while seeking warmth.

Give your pets plenty of food and water

 Pets need more food in the winter because keeping warm depletes energy. Routinely check your pet’s water dish to make certain

the water is fresh and unfrozen. When the drinking water in their bowl is ice-cold, they can’t drink it. It’s advisable to replenish the old water with fresh, room-temperature water every 2-3 hours.

Get a health check-up in winter

 Dogs which are prone to arthritis might have a hard time during the winter months. It is therefore important for you to pay extra attention to their exercise routines. Consult with your veterinarian for health supplements and other medication if your pet experiences joint pain.

Get to know the temperature your pets can handle

 Just like humans, you need to understand your pet’s tolerance based on several factors including their coat, body fat stores, activity level, and health. While long haired or thick coated pets are usually more cold- resistant, short-haired or those with shorter legs feel colder because of the increased exposure. So, make sure your pet is wearing a suitable covering or coat made for them, and check on them regularly.


 Be it dogs or cats, dry and cold weather can be as bad for your pets ’skin as it is for ours. At times, even more. By consulting with your veterinarian, you can add a skin and coat supplement to their food, to help prevent dry, flaky, or cracked skin. Coconut oil is also a great natural moisturizer you can apply externally if needed.

Avoid overfeeding

 There is a common misconception that increasing the food intake of your pets might protect them from the cold, but that could prove disastrous for them. You need to carefully monitor your pets ’weight throughout the season to make sure they’re at a healthy weight and adjust their calorie intake based on their level of activity as well. Again, you can consult your veterinarian for a high-quality whole-food diet for your pets.

Make sure they’re hydrated

 Winter lowers our water consumption, just as much as it can in your pets. But for them, dehydration can be life-threatening! So, during winters, make sure their water bowls are never empty and keep watch on whether they are drinking adequate water or not.

For the Coat and Skin

 Cool winter breezes bring with it dry skin. Dryness can make your pet’s skin itchy and turn him or her into an ever-scratching, uncomfortable bundle. Constant and severe scratching can also break the skin, causing light bleeding. So, you must pay attention to your dog’s skin this season to make sure that your dog winter care routine is optimum.

•     Protect the skin & coat

Coconut Oil Massages are great for hydrating your dog’s skin & coat. Add virgin, organic and cold- pressed coconut oil to your dog winter care essentials list. A massage with it not only relaxes your pet but also leaves the coat with a lovely, glossy finish. As an additional benefit, coconut oil on the skin helps small scrapes heal and eases irritation from flea bite allergies.

  • Don’t forget the conditioner

After giving your pet a bath, be careful to use a conditioner to leave the coat protected. The general dryness of the season leads to static and your pet may get an unpleasant shock when he walks past curtains or lays down on mats. You can also use conditioner-based dog shampoos. Remember to always use dog shampoos and conditioners that are formulated for dogs, not humans. Dogs have skin with a different pH level than ours and human shampoos are very harsh for their skin.

  • Honey is a superfood that strengthens your pet’s overall immunity by fighting infections and digestive problems. It has plenty of antioxidants and does wonders for sore throats and coughs. Please speak to a vet or a certified canine nutritionist on the dosage as this varies from one pet to another. If he or she has never had it before, the doses will begin very small and be increased very gradually. Honey is only to be given to adult dogs and is not suitable for pups.
  • Fish inclusions are ideal for dogs in the winter season. They contain plenty of omega fatty acids that improve the health of your pet’s coat and Another superfood for dogs is turmeric, so the golden paste is another excellent natural supplement.
  • Hydration is very important for effective dog winter care, but the cold weather discourages your pet from drinking their usual quota of Make up for it by including wet dog food, soups and broths in their diets!

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