


 Many indoor cats, while being kept safe from the dangers of the outside world, miss the distractions that the outside world can offer. Indoor cats only get stimulation from what’s in their home, so it’s important that you provide them with enough activities and distractions as possible. Not only will it give your feline friend the stimulation they crave to stop them getting depressed and anxious, it will also save your furniture from potentially destructive while confinement indoors will generally mean they live longer and protect them from feline diseases, you need to ensure their mental health doesn’t suffer in the process.

There is a multitude of ways to ensure your cat lives a life of plentiful distraction within your home. Let’s dive straight in-

Food puzzles and toys

 The first on the list, as we’ve mentioned, is cat toys. They are a great way to deter boredom, but cats are finicky creatures, so finding the right one for your cat is essential. If your feline friend is food motivated, then treat based puzzles can be a fun, low maintenance way of keeping your cat entertained (and fed). The typical food puzzle is a sphere that can be laden with cat treats which only release when your kitty has figured out the correct method, stimulating both their body and mind.

If you are looking to spend some bonding time with your cat, teaser toys are perfect. They are as simple as a stick and some string, with a feather or a bell attached to it, but flicking them around in front of your cat will stimulate their hunting instinct. Super smart cats might figure a single puzzle out over time, but there’s always plenty of new and challenging products on the market. Just remember to factor these treats into your cat’s diet plan to avoid overeating.

Paper and paper bags

 The crinkling sound of paper and it’s ability to change shape makes for an engaging, low cost material that your cat will just love. Leave a few pieces artfully scattered around the house so your kitty can stumble across them throughout the day.

Paper bags are also fun. Like cardboard boxes, your kitty can pounce in and out and tear holes to use as tunnels. Just remember to remove any handles attached to the paper bag, as they can be a choking hazard.

Cardboard boxes

 Cats love to play in boxes. Whether it’s bounding in and out of them, playing hide and seek, using it as a fort, sled or just generally using it as a play toy, the simple cardboard box is a fun, cheap and easily obtainable item to keep your cat engaged and entertained while you are at work. Not only are they easy to come by, they pose little risk to your kitty (and the furniture), and can be easily replaced once your current box is a broken mess.

Cat specific furniture

 Cat trees include a combination of scratching posts, jungle gym, hidey holes and a host of other features. They come in a variety of configurations and will keep your cat happy and engaged for hours. Check out your local pet store for these.

Cat trees and other cat specific furniture can also help protect your human sized furniture. With a bit of training your cat will take out their natural kitty instincts on their tree, rather than on your couches and chairs.

Give them a view

 Cats love to watch the world from the comfort of their own home, and will spend hours staring out of windows at any activity happening outside. Make sure your kitty has access to rooms with windows so they can satiate their desire to check out what’s going on around where they live.

Cats are drawn to the outside world and watching it goes by, particularly from an elevated position. If you have got a second story with a balcony or floor to ceiling glass, leave the blinds open so your kitty has endless entertainment outside. Alternatively, install a shelf or move a piece of furniture like a bookshelf close to the window so they have a good view while you’re at work.

Another feline friend

 Your cat may get lonely, especially if you’ve spent a chunk of time at home lately and are now venturing back out. That’s why companionship is a great option to help keep your cat entertained. If your cat is still fairly young and generally gets on with other cats, then you might want to consider adopting another cat!

Play time

 Cats are definitely more low-maintenance than dogs, but that doesn’t mean they’re no maintenance. Most cats need some playtime with their human, as well, especially if your cat is left alone for long periods of time. To make up for this, it is vital that you schedule some one-on-one time with your pet. There’s virtually no limit to the amount of toys that are available – you could get a laser pen or something as straightforward as a toy mouse. Or just give them a cuddle – cats thrive off of physical attention, and doing so will strengthen your bond and make them feel loved.

Let the sunshine in

 You may or may not have noticed, but cats love the sun. There are few things that make them happier than being warm, and lying in the full glare of the sun seems to do the trick in a number of cases. To this end, leave your curtains open during the day in areas of the house where it’s particularly potent. That way, your cat will be able to stretch out to their heart’s desire.

Ultimately, what you have to remember is cats are complex beings. They require attention and stimulation like any other pet, and thus should be treated with the requisite care. Having a cat isn’t always the cheapest endeavor, but the reward in companionship and love is immeasurable, and makes it all worthwhile.


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