


Walking your dog is about so much more than just “potty breaks.î Walking your dog provides mental stimulation, physical exercise, chances for socialization, and opportunities for behavioral training. Moreover, it gets both of you out and about while helping to grow the bond you have with your dog.

You probably know taking a walk with your dog is a chance for your furry friend to have some fun, but there are loads of other benefits as well.

Why You Should Walk Your Dog

Walking your dog is an opportunity for both of you to work as a team and explore the world together. The more your dog is exposed to new situations, the more adaptable she’ll be, and the more she will understand that you’re there to teach and protect her. Walking is a great way to reinforce the fact that you’re there for your dog, that you want her to be happy, and that you can keep her safe.

Here are some of the additional benefits of


It’s a training opportunity.

It’s all well and good to get Rover to sit and lie down when you’re at home and there aren’t any distractions, but walking is a chance to try those basic commands in a setting where it’s a little trickier for your dog to focus. Also, leash training is a great way to prepare your pooch for new situations and teach him not to pull you along like a sled dog. Walks are an opportunity to try teaching your dog to heel as well, which can be very beneficial if you need to travel

together and you want to keep your pup close and safe. For best results, bring a few training

treats with you when you go for a walk, and reward your fur-baby with lots of praise and a treat when he follows your instructions.

It’s a chance to burn some energy.

 Even dogs that are active in the home need opportunities to get some exercise outdoors. If you have a nice fenced yard, just putting your dog outside does not mean she will take advantage of the opportunity to play and exercise! If you walk your dog, you’re giving her a

chance to get some of the wiggles out so she will behave better at home and chill out when it’s time to relax and enjoy quiet time. Dogs that have excess energy are harder to train and keep under control in the home, and walking is a more reliable way for your pup to expend that excess energy than just going out in the backyard.

Reduced risk of cardiovascular disease.

 For many dogs, 20 minutes per day is not enough activity— you will need to supplement with a longer walk, jog, or backyard time to make sure your pooch is getting their own daily recommended activity. Again, this will depend on the breed and age of your dog. Always consult your veterinarian to discuss how much exercise your dog should be getting per day.

It’s healthy (for both of you).

 Research shows walking at least a half hour every day can reduce a person’s risk for heart disease and other serious illnesses, so regular walking is a great way to live a long and happy life. For most dogs, an hour of physical activity each day is necessary and will help them lead healthy lives free of disease. Some dogs, such as working or herding breeds, need even more than an hour every day, so talk with your veterinarian about the best walking schedule for you and your furry buddy. One thing is clear: sedentary dogs are more likely to become overweight dogs, which can cause a host of health problems, from hip and joint issues to heart disease, and a daily walk is a great way to keep those paws moving and help your doggie friend stay healthy!

It’s a chance to explore.

Dogs love exploring the world, and new experiences keep their bodies and minds active. When you walk your dog, you are right there to support him if you come across something that’s a little scary, and your dog can learn to adapt to new things that might be a little frightening to begin with. Walking in different locations is a great way to keep the adventure alive for your dog, because all the new sights, sounds, and (especially!) smells are interesting and improve your dog’s quality of life.

It’s a chance to learn social skills.

 If you walk your dog, chances are you’re going to run into other canines from time to time. Introducing your dog to other pets while on-leash is a great way to help your dog learn how to introduce himself to strangers, all while being safe because you can control and protect him if things get a little… heated. Leash and verbal corrections are helpful when you’re teaching your dog proper social skills, so walks are a chance to get a handle on meeting new dogs.

It builds confidence and trust.

 If your dog is often fearful or timid, walking every day can help her get a handle on her worries. Also, if your dog is able to explore new (and potentially scary) situations with you supporting and protecting her, she will be more likely to experience a confidence boost and trust you more. Being a leader and protector is critical to having a healthy bond with your dog, and walks are a chance to grow together. All in all, walks help boost your dog’s self-confidence and strengthen your bond as a human-canine team.

It helps with digestive health and proper pooping.

 If your dog is inactive, he might experience constipation and inappropriate elimination. Walking is a good way to get the gears moving, so to speak. Also, exercise burns calories and may improve your dog’s digestive health as he trots his way to optimum health.

It reduces destructive behavior.

 If your dog has excess energy or gets bored in the home, certain problems often arise. Incessant barking, chewing on things that aren’t toys, and destructive behavior are all possible warning signs that your dog is bored and has too much pent-up energy. Walking is a chance to wear out your pooch and give her a bit of brain exercise (after all, exploring is good for your dog’s mind and can reduce boredom and anxiety) so that when you return home, she’ll be less likely to tear up the couch pillows, chew on your armchair or shred your newspaper.



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